Le dosage des anti-TPOn peut-il se faire en simple sans affecter la qualité diagnostique du dosage ?

Autor: F Vitaux, S Charles, N Colas-Linhart, R Filloux, JR Jourdain
Rok vydání: 2000
Zdroj: Immuno-analyse & Biologie Spécialisée. 15:362-365
ISSN: 0923-2532
Popis: A Diagnostic quality of single tube assays for autoantibodies against TPO. For budgetary reasons, it has been recommended to carry out assays in simple rather than in duplicate. We analysed the duplicate rates of antithyroperoxidase (anti-TPOn) obtained previously in 506 patients. Anti-TPOn rates were determined using a radioimmunoassay kit: DYNOtest® Brahms. The analysis of 12 assay runs shows an excellent stability in the precision profile (working area from 30 to 1 500 U/mL with a coefficient of variation inferior to 10 %). The 506 anti-TPOn concentrations were classified into 4 areas: negative, ‘weakly positive’, ‘positive’ and ‘strongly positive’. Only 2 duplicates present a small classification discrepancy in the positive area, but with no therapeutic consequence. Taking into account the fact that 7 to 10 % of healthy people present anti-TPOn antibodies, from as well the critical point of view of the biologist on biological and clinical data, as our specific experience on autoimmune diseases, we conclude that anti-TPOn rates can be obtained from single assays without any decrease in the diagnostic quality.
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