Sally Farm, Thornton Bridge, North Yorkshire; Geophysical Survey

Autor: Vansassenbrouck, O, Harrison, D
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2019
DOI: 10.5284/1094203
Popis: Headland Archaeology (UK) Ltd undertook a geophysical (magnetometer) survey over 11 hectares at Thornton Bridge, North Yorkshire where a new poultry unit is proposed. The survey covered only the proposed development footprint within a larger application area. The survey has not identified any anomalies of definite archaeological potential, mainly identifying anomalies which are consistent with post-medieval and modern land division and drainage. A cluster of discrete anomalies in the centre of the survey area may be archaeological in origin, perhaps being due to a spread of magnetically enhanced material, possibly rubble or building material. However, no clear pattern is discernible in the dataset and a modern cause such as tipping/infilling is equally plausible. These anomalies are ascribed low to moderate archaeological potential. Three probable ditches, oblique to the surrounding agricultural anomalies, are also assessed as of possible archaeological potential although an agricultural origin is thought more likely. Therefore, on the basis of the geophysical survey, the archaeological potential over the majority of the development footprint is assessed as very low, and low to moderate in the vicinity of the cluster of discrete anomalies.
Databáze: OpenAIRE