A correlational analysis of human cognitive activity using Infrared Thermography of the supraorbital region, frontal EEG and self-report of core affective state

Autor: R. D. H. Brown, S. D. Jenkins
Rok vydání: 2014
Zdroj: Proceedings of the 2014 International Conference on Quantitative InfraRed Thermography.
DOI: 10.21611/qirt.2014.131
Popis: Using Infrared Thermography, three-way statistical correlation between forehead temperatures, frontal EEG and self-reports of core affect was applied in an experimental study to establish the underlying causal relationships between cognitive activity and supraorbital blood flow. Sub-groups were identified within the sample using the differentia of tonic forehead temperature asymmetry. Comparison between these groups showed that the so-called Right Dominant temperature sample exhibited statistically significant correlations between asymmetry in frontal alpha, forehead temperature and self-reported arousal throughout the experimental interactions. Individuals exhibiting this trait demonstrated greater reactivity to variation in the cognitive challenge of the tasks, presenting more readily measurable and distinctive patterns of asymmetric frontal cortical activity and temperature change. Detailed analysis showed significant patterns of correlation between hemispherical changes in specific beta frequencies, forehead temperature and self reported arousal and task engagement, indicating that forehead temperature dynamics reflected the underlying variation in cognitive demand evoked by the experimental stimuli.
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