Tumeur de la granulosa : difficultés diagnostiques et apport de l’imagerie

Autor: Jean Gondry, O. Gagneur, P. Merviel, A. Mancaux, E. Grardel Chambenoit, A. Nasreddine
Rok vydání: 2013
Zdroj: Gynécologie Obstétrique & Fertilité. 41:439-445
ISSN: 1297-9589
DOI: 10.1016/j.gyobfe.2013.06.005
Popis: Granulosa tumors (GT) are rare neoplasms, difficult to diagnose in a preoperative stage. We report a set of seven patients affected by GT admitted in Amiens University Hospital, collated with a review of the literature (n=379). Our aim was to report the clinical and radiological characteristics of GT, in order to improve preoperative diagnosis. The average age of the subjects was 50.8 years old among the bibliographical search, and 37years old for the observations reported in Amiens. The principal circumstances of diagnosis were vaginal bleeding, abdominal pain and infertility. Ultrasound was the most frequently investigation, revealing GT as a large unilateral solid and cystic mass. The computed tomodensitometry (CT) allowed to precise the locoregional extension. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) appeared to be interesting to clarify lesions, showing GT as a solid mass with a cystic component or as a multicystic mass. Hormonal assays (inhibin B and/or anti-Mullerian hormone) can provide valuable assistance in diagnosis, despite their cost and lack of availability. In view of the clinical and radiological presentation of the reported and literature review cases, we suggest hormonal assays among perimenopausal women presenting with an unusual radiological aspect of an annexial mass.
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