Teachers blue print test design in the development of learning achievement test

Autor: Ayu Rahma Nengsi, Gusnita Efrina, Yona Syaida Oktira
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Proceedings of the International Conference Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan Universitas Islam Negeri Imam Bonjol Padang - ICFTKUINIBP 2020.
Popis: The study was aimed to explain the field phenomenon, observing the way teachers prepare test blue print. This research is a qualitative method, the researcher is a key instrument in data collection. Triangulation techniques are used in collecting field data, as well as testing the credibility of the data. The research subjects were taken by using purposive sampling technique, namely 4 elementary school teachers. The research data were analyzed using the Miles and Huberman model, namely: reduction, display and conclusion. The results of the research findings clearly describe each step taken by the teacher in designing the test blue print. There are two main points to look at, are 1) determining the dimensions that are used as references in developing test items and 2) making specification tables as basic guidelines. The initial steps taken are quite appropriate, starting from determining the dimensions in the form of competency standards, basic competencies and indicators referred to from the curriculum. Whereas in the preparation of the specification table, several things were found, namely: a) there are differences in understanding of the aspects that must be in the table, b) the cognitive domain is not visible in the specification table, c) the teacher does not understand the importance of the cognitive domain in test design.
Databáze: OpenAIRE