Pengaruh Kecakapan Mengajar Guru PAK Terhadap Minat dan Hasil Belajar Siswa

Autor: Januaster Siringoringo, Thomas Pandawa Efrata Tarigan, Christin Liliana Pane
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Didache: Journal of Christian Education. 1:187
ISSN: 2722-8584
Popis: This study aims to find the contribution of students 'perceptions about the teaching skills of PAK (X) teachers to students' interest in learning (Y1) class VII SMP Era Ibang Medan, second; the contribution of students' perceptions about the teaching skills of PAK teachers to the learning outcomes of PAK students (Y2) grade VII SMP Era Ibang Medan. Third: the contribution of students' perceptions about the teaching skills of PAK teachers to the interests and learning outcomes of class VII students of SMP Era Ibang Medan. The sample of this research is 130 people. To determine whether there is a relationship between independent and dependent variables, analyzed using the product correlation formula from Person's Moment. Based on the results of the research, the contribution of students 'perceptions about the teaching skills of PAK teachers to the learning interest of grade VII students of SMP Era Ibang Medan obtained a value of 0.382> 0.361, the contribution of students' perceptions to the teaching skills of PAK teachers on the learning outcomes of students in class VII SMP Era Ibang Medan was obtained. the value of 0.698> 13.040 and the contribution of students' perceptions about the teaching skills of PAK teachers to the interests and learning outcomes of class VII students of SMP Era Ibang Medan. Therefore, it is necessary to have a measured evaluation to see the skills of PAK teachers in teaching to increase student interest and learning outcomes. Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan mencari besar kontribusi persepsi siswa tentang kecakapan mengajar guru PAK (X) terhadap minat belajar siswa (Y1) kelas VII SMP Era Ibang Medan, kedua; besar kontribusi persepsi siswa tentang kecakapan mengajar guru PAK terhadap hasil belajar PAK siswa (Y2) kelas VII SMP Era Ibang Medan. Ketiga: besar kontribusi Persepsi siswa tentang kecakapan mengajar guru PAK terhadap minat dan hasil belajar PAK siswa kelas VII SMP Era Ibang Medan. Sampel penelitian ini berjumlah 130 orang. Untuk mengetahui ada tidaknya hubungan antara Variabel bebas dan terikat, dianalisis dengan menggunakan rumus korelasi produk Moment dari Person. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan kontribusi Persepsi siswa tentang kecakapan mengajar guru PAK terhadap minat belajar siswa kelas VII SMP Era Ibang Medan diperoleh nilai 0,382>0,361, kontribusi Persepsi siswa untuk kecakapan mengajar guru PAK terhadap hasil belajar PAK siswa kelas VII SMP Era Ibang Medan diperoleh nilai 0,698 > 13,040 dan kontribusi Persepsi siswa tentang kecakapan mengajar guru PAK terhadap minat dan hasil belajar PAK siswa kelas VII SMP Era Ibang Medan. Karena itu perlu evaluasi yang terukur untuk melihat kecakapan guru PAK dalam mengajar demi meningkatkan minat dan hasil belajar siswa.
Databáze: OpenAIRE