An Intelligent Recommender System Based on Short-Term Risk Prediction for Heart Disease Patients

Autor: Xiaohui Tao, Raid Lafta, Vincent S. Tseng, Yan Li, Ji Zhang
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: WI-IAT (3)
Popis: In this paper, an intelligent recommender system is developed, which uses an innovative time series prediction algorithm to provide recommendations to heart disease patients in the tele-health environment. Based on analytics of each patient's medical tests in records, the system provides the patient with decision support for necessity of medical tests. The experimental results show that the proposed system yields satisfactory accuracy in recommendations. The system also offers a promising way for saving the workload for patients and healthcare practitioners in conducting daily medical tests. The research will help reduce the workload and cost in healthcare and help the healthcare industry transform from the traditional scenario to more a personalized paradigm in a tele-health environment.
Databáze: OpenAIRE