Integrated Control of Aedes Albopictus (Diptera: Culicidae) in Southwest Germany supported by the Sterile Insect Technique

Autor: Arianna Puggioli, Renke Lühken, Artin Tokatlian Rodriguez, Sophie Min Langentepe-Kong, Norbert Becker, Romeo Bellini, Peter Lüthy, Thin Thin Oo, Dirk Reichle, Jonas Schmidt-Chanasit
Rok vydání: 2021
Popis: BackgroundThe invasive species Aedes albopictus, the Asian tiger mosquito, has undergone an extreme expansion by steady introductions as blind passengers in vehicles from the Mediterranean to South-West Germany. The more than 15 established populations in the State of Baden-Württemberg and Palatine (South-West Germany) have become a major nuisance and public health threat. Aedes albopictus deserves special attention as vector of arboviruses like dengue, chikungunya or Zika virus. In Germany, control of Ae. albopictus is implemented under the auspice of health departments and regulatory offices. MethodsThe control strategy comprised three components or pillars: a) community participation (CP) based on the elimination or sanitation of breeding sites with the use of fizzy Bti-tablets (Culinex Tab plus); b) Door-to-Door (DtD) control by trained staff applying high doses of a Bti-water-dispersible granular formulation (Vectobac WG) aimed for a long-lasting killing effect; and c) the Sterile Insect Technique (SIT) to eliminate remaining Ae. albopictus populations. Prior to large scale routine city-wide treatments, the efficacy of the three elements was evaluated in laboratory and semi-field trials. Special emphasis was given to the mass release of Ae. albopictus sterile males.ResultsMore than 60% of the local residents joined the Community Participation within the large-scale control program. It was shown that the most effective element was the DtD intervention including the application of Vectobac WG (2700 ITU/mg after radiation with 25 kGy) to potential breeding sites (10 g/rainwater container, max. 200L ≙ 13,500ITU/L and 2.5g/container Ae. albopictus below 1% in 2020 compared to 10.9% in 2019. The mean number of Aedes eggs/ovitrap were 4.3 in Ludwigshafen and 18.23 in Freiburg-Metzgergrün (SIT areas); while 22.4 in Freiburg-Gartenstadt (Control area). After the strong reduction of the Aedes population by Bti-application, the weekly release of 1,013 (Ludwigshafen) and 2,320 (Freiburg) sterile Ae. albopictus males/ha from May until October resulted in a high percentage of sterile eggs. In the trial area of Ludwigshafen the sterility of eggs reached 82.61% (mean: 60.52%; SD: 42.88%) and in Freiburg 62.68% (SD 28.21%). The natural sterility in the control area was 16.93±13.5%. The field results were in line with data obtained in cage tests under laboratory conditions where wild females mated with sterile males showed sterility rates of 87.53±9.15%. The sterility of eggs laid by females mated with unirradiated males was only 3.3±2.8%. The overall sterility of about 83% in Ludwigshafen indicates that our goal to almost eradicate the Ae. albopictus population could be achieved. ConclusionsIt is shown that an integrated control program based on a strict monitoring scheme is most effective when it comprises three components, namely a) community participation, b) DtD intervention including long-lasting Bti-larviciding to strongly reduce Ae. albopictus populations and c) the release of sterile males to reduce the remaining Ae. albopictus population to a minimum or even to eradicate it. The combination of the use of Bti with SIT are most effective and selective tools against Ae. albopictus, one of the most dangerous mosquito vector species.
Databáze: OpenAIRE