In vivo quercetol effect in lead acetate poisoning

Autor: Horatiu Miresan, Adrian Cosmin Rosca, Florentina Roncea, Mihaela Mirela Bratu, Antoanela Popescu
Rok vydání: 2013
Zdroj: Analele Universitatii "Ovidius" Constanta - Seria Chimie. 24:73-78
ISSN: 1223-7221
Popis: The present study investigated the influence of quercetol upon δ-aminolevulinic acid (△ -ALA) urine concentration as marker of lead poisoning. The study was conducted on six lots of 6 mature Wistar rats of both sexes, lots not poisoned treated with different concentrations of quercetol (Q1, Q2), control (L6M), lot poisoned untreated (L3Pb), lots poisoned and treated with Q (L4Q1Pb and L5Q2Pb). After 11 days urine from 24 hours was collected for △-ALA spectrophotometric assay and testing the significance of mean difference of by "t" test Student at p
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