High-resolution 157-nm laser micromachining of polymers

Autor: Malcolm C. Gower, Julian S. Cashmore, Philipp Gruenewald, Jim Fieret
Rok vydání: 2001
Zdroj: SPIE Proceedings.
ISSN: 0277-786X
DOI: 10.1117/12.432548
Popis: An Exitech Microstepper exposure tool has been used to laser micromachine a variety of polymeric materials with high resolution at a wavelength of 157nm. We have demonstrated it is possible to machine thin film materials, different photoresists and fluorine-based polymers with submicron accuracy and resolution. The tool used for this work incorporated a 36× 0.5 NA Schwarzschild lens to project submicron resolution images of binary chrome-on-CaF 2 masks onto free-standing and spun-on polymer films. The beam delivery system and the illuminator includes beam shaping and homogenization optics that allow fluences of >1J/cm 2 to be produced at the workpiece. Details of the optical system are presented together with process parameters and the results of the materials which have been machined. Key Words: 157nm micromachining, submicron resolution, excimer laser, photoresist, fluorine-based polymers 1. INTRODUCTION Miniaturisation remains an important trend in many modern technologies. The semiconductor industry as well as biotechnology, microelectronics, telecommunication, MEMS and an ever-increasing number of medical applications demand devices with sub-micrometer features in a great variety of materials.
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