Design and performance of a prototype whole-body PET/CT scanner with fiber-optic readout

Autor: O. Johnson, J. Nevin, D. Lazuka, P. Domigan, W. Worstell, R. Rohatgi, P. Monteverde, S. Starsja, S. Adler, H. Kudrolli, L. Romanov
Rok vydání: 2005
Zdroj: IEEE Symposium Conference Record Nuclear Science 2004..
DOI: 10.1109/nssmic.2004.1466389
Popis: We have built and characterized the performance of a new whole-body PET/CT scanner. This 90 cm aperture system, with an extended 32 cm axial PET field of view, incorporates a high resolution PET detector utilizing small crystals and wavelength-shifting optical fiber readout. The PET device is operated in 3D mode with no septa, and is integrated with a 90 cm aperture 16-slice CT into a new wide-bore PET/CT system. Results are presented on performance measurements and an overall system description. The system provides the best combined sensitivity, contrast recovery, and spatial resolution of any current PET/CT. System live fraction is very high at clinical activities, due to a combination of highly segmented system optics and a distributed data acquisition system. Singles-based randoms subtraction, real-time live fraction measurement, and spectrally-resolved scatter subtraction are implemented. Phantom measurements demonstrate the new system's capability to produce high-quality images with low dose to the patient. The system is designed to accommodate the largest patients, potentially reducing claustrophobic reactions and facilitating radiation therapy planning and interventional applications.
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