Project RESUN, a Radio EVLA Search for UHE Neutrinos

Autor: Robert L. Mutel, K. G. Gayley, T. R. Jaeger
Rok vydání: 2010
Zdroj: Astroparticle Physics. 34:293-303
ISSN: 0927-6505
Popis: In the past decade there have been several attempts to detect Ultra High Energy (UHE) neutrinos via radio Ĉerenkov bursts in terrestrial ice or the lunar regolith. So far these searches have yielded no detections, but the inferred flux upper limits have started to constrain physical models for UHE neutrino generation. We report results from the Radio EVLA Search for UHE Neutrinos (RESUN) experiment, aimed at further limiting isotropic and point-source production models. RESUN uses the Expanded Very Large Array (EVLA) configured in multiple sub-arrays of four antennas observing at 1.4 GHz and pointed along the lunar limb to detect cm-wavelength Ĉerenkov bursts. No pulses of lunar origin exceeding a threshold of 0.017 μV m−1 MHz−1 were detected during a observing campaign totaling 200 h. The RESUN null detection implies an upper limit to the differential isotropic neutrino flux EdN/dE 1022.5 eV. The isotropic flux upper limit is the lowest published for lunar searches in the range 1020.7 eV
Databáze: OpenAIRE