A systematic method for stability assessment of Ag-coated nylon yarn

Autor: Yin Ting Chui, Lilly Li Li, Chen Xiao Yang, Cho Po Ho, Yuanfang Zhao, Jia Hui Tong
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: Textile Research Journal. 86:787-802
ISSN: 1746-7748
Popis: With the fast development of wearable electronics textiles, various types of conductive yarns are emerging onto the market. For industrialists, therefore, selecting high quality conductive yarns, and selecting for their properties, is vitally important. In this paper, a method for selecting high quality conductive yarns is given, based on a clear understanding of their basic chemical, mechanical, and functional properties. A systematic method and a series of tests, including SEM analysis, mechanical property analysis, abrasion testing, laundry testing, and corrosion testing, are put forward to simulate some of the main challenges that industrialists might face in the actual application of conductive yarns, from the yarn stage to the end user stage. This paper aims to give guidance to industrialists when selecting high quality and suitable conductive yarns.
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