Sorption of Congo Red anionic dye on natural hydrotalcite and stichtite: kinetics and equilibrium

Autor: Olga V. Nestroinaia, Irina G. Ryltsova, Maksim N. Yaprintsev, Evgeniya Yu. Nakisko, Evgeniy S. Seliverstov, Olga E. Lebedeva
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Clay Minerals. 57:105-113
ISSN: 1471-8030
DOI: 10.1180/clm.2022.26
Popis: The sorption properties of two layered minerals of the hydrotalcite supergroup – hydrotalcite and stichtite – were investigated with the aim of determining their kinetic parameters of sorption and their adsorption isotherm type. Pristine hydrotalcite and stichtite were characterized using X-ray diffraction, Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, energy-dispersive Х-ray analysis and laser diffraction analysis of the particle-size distribution. The ‘memory effect’ of the sorbents was examined after calcination at 650°C. Slight indications of reconstructed hydrotalcite were observed, while the stichtite dehydration–rehydration cycle was irreversible. The hydrotalcite and stichtite were used to remove Congo Red from the aqueous solution. The pseudo-second order kinetic model described the process adequately. Mixed external and internal diffusion was confirmed for both minerals. The sorption of Congo Red on stichtite fits the Langmuir model. Stichtite demonstrated a maximum adsorption capacity of 2.5 mmol g–1 at 35°C. Increasing temperature increased the adsorption rate of Congo Red on stichtite but did not affect the adsorption rate constant for hydrotalcite.
Databáze: OpenAIRE