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Background Thyroid abscesses are extremely rare, representing less than 1% of all thyroiddiseases. The thyroid gland is very robust against infections due to its vastlymphatic drainage, dual blood supply, encapsulation, and iodine concentration. Immunocompromised patients are at greater risk of developing thyroid abscesses. 1 Case: A 51-year-old female presented to her primary care provider with acute onset ofpainful right neck mass with associated cough, hoarseness, fever, and fatigue. She was seen by an Otolaryngologist who aspirated 6 cc of brown purulentmaterial from a suspected thyroid mass. The thyroid fluid was sent for culture,and she was empirically started on Augmentin. CT neck demonstrated a cysticlesion of the right thyroid gland, retropharyngeal edema, and mass effect withleftward deviation of the larynx and trachea without airway obstruction. Due tothese findings, the patient was admitted to the hospital where initial two setsof blood cultures were negative but repeat blood cultures revealed 2 of 2positive for E. coli. Thyroid cyst fluid also grew E. coli. Urine culture hadno growth. She was found to have a suppressed TSH of 0.24 uIU/mL, elevated free T4 of 1.80 ng/dL, and suppressed total T3 of 0.52 ng/mL. Previous TSH was within normal limits, 0.82 uIU/mL. The suppressed TSH and suppressed T3 were thought to be secondary to euthyroid sick syndrome. She was maintained onCeftriaxone while admitted and discharged on Ciprofloxacin. Pathology from theright thyroid cyst revealed acute inflammatory cells only consistent with anabscess, negative for malignancy. The patient elected to undergo a righthemithyroidectomy with isthmusectomy. Discussion Thyroiditis is defined as inflammation of the thyroid gland and has a variety ofetiologies. Suppurative thyroiditis, which includes thyroid abscess as in thiscase we have described, is an infrequent cause of thyroiditis. It is usuallycaused by hematogenous spread or direct inoculation of a pathogen. Treatmentincludes systemic antibiotics targeting the causative organism; although thegold standard remains surgical drainage. Surgical management is the mainstay ofmanaging patients with thyroid abscesses. 2 References: 1 Sharma, R., McManus, C., Kuo, J. (2020). MON-485 Thyroid Abscess in a Healthy 22 Year Old Female. Journal of the Endocrine Society, 4(1), A792-A793. https://academic.oup.com/jes/article/4/Supplement_1/MON-485/5832886 2 Singh, G., Jaiswal R., Gulati, N.,Granieri, E. (2019). A case of idiopathic thyroid abscess caused by Escherichia coli. Journal of Community Hospital Internal Medicine Perspectives. 9(2): 159-161. https://europepmc.org/article/MED/31044048 Presentation: No date and time listed |