Integration of a Sound Source Detection into a Probabilistic-based Multimodal Approach for Person Detection and Tracking

Autor: Horst-Michael Gross, Christian Märtin, Andrea Scheidig, Robert Brückmann
Rok vydání: 2006
Zdroj: Autonome Mobile Systeme 2005 ISBN: 3540302913
DOI: 10.1007/3-540-30292-1_17
Popis: Dealing with methods of Human-Robot-Interaction and us- ing a real mobile robot, stable methods for people detection and track- ing are fundamental features of such a system and require information from dierent sources. Based on an existing probability-based and mul- timodal approach for person detection and tracking, in this paper, we discuss the integration of a further sensory cue. This sensory cue is a sound source detection emerged from auditory information. Firstly, we discuss a newly developed approach for a sound source detection applied for a real world problem, dealing with the diculty of reverberant envi- ronments. Secondly, we show a possible solution to integrate the sound source detection into the already existing person detection and tracking system applied for the mobile interaction robot Horos working in a real oce environment.
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