Developing Four Stars Election Open Data in RDF

Autor: Min-Yuh Day, Yuh-Tay Lin, Chia-Hsin Hung, Ching-Yuan Chien, Chu-Yin Yang
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: MISNC
Popis: Opening up data has become a global trend, especially when democratic governments want to show openness and transparency. In this paper, we describe how we implement a 4-star election open data in RDF in Taiwan. For the past fifty years, most of the data was recorded on paper and was stored in the Central Election Commission of Taiwan. First, we convert paper documents to PDF to digitize the data from the handwritten paper. We convert PDF files into CSV files by doing OCR and manual inputting. In addition, we classified and integrated all columns by their property and revised the column name in English. Since we were going to establish ontology to describe resources, properties, statements, and the relationship between entities, we structured E-R (entity-relationship) diagrams and transformed the E-R diagrams to ontology by using the Protege OWL tool afterwards. Finally, we opened up Taiwan election data in RDF with ontology and CSV files using Python automation.
Databáze: OpenAIRE