Flight Control for a Class of 155 mm Spin-stabilized Projectile with Reciprocating Canards

Autor: Julien Spagni, Spilios Theodoulis, Philippe Wernert
Rok vydání: 2012
Zdroj: AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference.
DOI: 10.2514/6.2012-4685
Popis: This article presents a feasibility study for the design and analysis of a longitudinal/lateral axes autopilot for a class of reciprocating canard-guided artillery munitions. A realistic yet exploitable nonlinear mathematical model of the projectile dynamics is rst presented and thoroughly discussed. The system equilibrium point manifold is then characterized in terms of a minimal vector of scheduling variables, giving also rise to a discussion concerning the canard size and position for manoeuvrability optimization. A quasi linear parameter-varying (LPV) model, able to approximate the nonlinear dynamics around any operation condition, is subsequently derived and used to assess the open loop stability properties of the airframe. Finally, results are presented showing step responses for a typical ight envelope of the projectile.
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