T Lymphocytes and Subpopulations: Involvement of TH2 Cells in Allergic Diseases

Autor: Marie-Pierre Piccinni, E. Maggi, S. Sampognaro, S. Romagnani, Roberto Manetti, Paola Parronchi, A. Annunziato, L Giannarini, L. Beloni
Rok vydání: 1997
Zdroj: New Trends in Allergy IV ISBN: 9783642643989
Popis: In recent years a large body of evidence has been accumulated in demonstrating that TH2 cells play a central role in the pathogenesis of allergic diseases. Allergen-specific TH2 cells can be isolated at the site of allergic phlogosis and their cytokines are responsible both for the induction of IgE production by B cells and the activation and recruitment of eosinophils, mast cells and basophils, which represent the major cellular components of allergic inflammation. The development of TH2 cells is favoured by the presence of interleukin-4 (IL-4) at the time of antigen presentation or by hormones, such as progesterone. On the other hand, other cytokines (IL-12, interferon- α and γ, transforming growth factor-β) play a negative regulatory role. More recently a preferential membrane expression of CD30 has been demonstrated in TH2 cells and an increase in the amount of the soluble form of this receptor is detectable in some TH2-mediated pathological conditions.
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