Neurodegeneration and Loss of Cell Cycle Control in Postmitotic Neurons

Autor: Randall D. York, Karl Herrup, Samantha A. Cicero
Rok vydání: 2008
Zdroj: Contemporary Neuroscience ISBN: 9781588295293
Popis: The concept of cell cycle-related neuronal death (CRND) has now been in the literature for more than a decade. The first evidence linking the loss of cell cycle control with neuronal death arose from studies in transgenic mice in which cell cycle progression was artificially induced in postmitotic neurons during development. Substantial neuronal loss was observed in each instance, suggesting that differentiated neurons make a commitment to maturation that includes a permanent cessation of cell division. In agreement, naturally occurring neuronal death during development involves a re-expression of several cell cycle markers and DNA synthesis. Today, a growing literature supports the view that cell cycle induction in adult neurons may be equally lethal. A large fraction of this literature is based on correlative observations of cell cycle-associated proteins in neurons at risk for death in a variety of neurodegenerative diseases and central nervous system insults. Our intent is not to rehash this information yet again, but instead to discuss the limitations of current approaches and identify gaps in our present knowledge. In doing so, we have attempted to highlight promising avenues of future investigation, which may bring clarity to the realities regarding CRND in multiple neurodegenerative disorders.
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