D'Avanzo, W. (2022). 'Informatica giuridica per le pubbliche amministrazioni. Gli appalti pubblici informatici' [Legal information technology for public administrations. Public IT procurement]. Open Journal of Humanities, 10: 3-35

Autor: D'Avanzo, Wanda
Rok vydání: 2022
DOI: 10.17605/osf.io/zhqgj
Popis: The term e-procurement indicates a set of technologies, procedures, operations and organizational methods that allow the acquisition of goods or services online, thanks to the possibilities offered by the Internet and electronic commerce. Originally widespread in the private business sector, following the adaptation of the Italian PA to the prospects of e-government, this form of procurement of goods and services has entered the public sector. In the perspective of modernization of the Italian public administration, new technologies represent the key to the new public governance strategy for post-pandemic recovery. But this only if Italy will be able, in the next few years, to align itself with the digital reorganization of the public sector.
Databáze: OpenAIRE