IMIA LaMB WG publications: Medical Concept Representation ‐ the Years Beyond 2000

Autor: Balkanyi, Laszlo, Schulz, Stefan, Cornet, Ronald, Bodenreider, Olivier
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2019
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3396959
Popis: This conference paper is about understanding the state of the art in the context of “medical conceptrepresentation” It is a descriptive study based onbibliometrics, simple text mining and asocial media survey. Results support the general understanding that the focus of research hasmoved toward medical ontologies, socially active researchers mention theOBO foundry, SNOMED, and UMLS as keyresources. Text mining of most cited literatureidentifies single noun phrases as“health”, “information”, “clinical”,“knowledge”, “ontology”, “case”, “data”,“ semantic(s)”, “concept” and“representation” as leading denominators of the field. Terms as “ontology” and “semantic(s)” .have gained more significance in the lastdecade. There is a paradigm shift according toboth the socially active group ofresearchers and bibliometric data,comparing citation ranks of the ninetiesand the recent decade support thisopinion.
Databáze: OpenAIRE