258. Anthropometric aspects and hematimetric parameters in gestations complicated by hypertensive syndromes

Autor: Mariana Velho Menoia, Matheus Cavenagui Doho, Francisco Lázaro Pereira de Souza, Fabio Baueb Soler, Vivian Macedo G. Marc cal, Mariela Degan Barros Battistella, Rogério Gomes dos Reis Guidoni, José Marcelo Garcia, Alvaro Frederico Neto, Barbarah Silveira Penatti, Maria Luisa Diaz Cunha David, Rodrigo De Carvalho Pazeto
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Pregnancy Hypertension. 13:S112
ISSN: 2210-7789
Popis: Introduction Possible markers of severity in hypertensive syndromes of the pregnancy-puerperal cycle could be identify and guide conduct timely in order to reduce maternal and perinatal risks. Objectives To analyze the relationship between the anthropometric aspects and the hematimetric parameters comparing in pregnant women with preeclampsia(PE), hypertension chronic(HC) and without comorbidities. Methods Cross-sectional study developed at Hospital Guilherme Alvaro, Santos/Brazil and at Municipal Maternity of Sao Vicente/Brazil (May-September 2017). Group PE: pregnant women with PE and HC Group: pregnant women with HC (NHBPEP, 2000). Control group(C): healthy pregnant women. Variables analyzed: body mass index(BMI), abdominal circumferences(CA), complete blood count. Exclusion criteria: diabetes, collagenosis, smoking, twin pregnancy and fetal abnormalities. Fisher’s exact test was used and was considered as the significance p Results 68 pregnant women were selected. The mean BMI found in group C was 29.45, in the HC group of 35.5 and in the PE group 38.8. We also observed that pregnant women in the PE group had an average CA19.21 cm higher than pregnant women in group C. It was identified that CHCM is superior in the PE group. There was statistical significance in the levels of neutrophils and lymphocytes in the groups with hypertensive syndromes. Discussion Elevation of BMI/CA in PE patients are risk factors for cardiovascular diseases according to the literature (Rezende, 2006). There was an increase in CHCM in cases of endolymphatic injury related hemolysis (HC and PE). Considering the exclusion of patients with other comorbidities, capable of influencing CHCM, this one presented as a potential marker of abnormalities. The increase in the level of lymphocytes in the PE group found in the study, with statistical significance, opposes the literature reporting otherwise (Vazquez, 2004). The increase in neutrophils found in group C (p = 0.007), especially at the end, is consistent with the literature (Souza, 2002).
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