Perturbation treatment of mixing in Josephson junctions

Autor: M. Levinsen, B. Ulrich
Rok vydání: 1975
Zdroj: IEEE Transactions on Magnetics. 11:807-810
ISSN: 0018-9464
Popis: We consider a current biased, resistively shunted josephson junction irradiated at two frequencies. The perturbation technique introduced by Aslamasov and Larkin is used in the calculations. Both signals are treated as perturbations. The second order calculation yields the size of the mixing steps at V_{\pm}=h(\omega_{1}\pm\omega_{2})/2e . As in the case of a single frequency we show that subharmonic mixing steps are absent. The amplitude of the voltage oscillation at the difference and sum frequencies is shown to be non-zero at all voltages. We calculate the microwave resistance for one frequency ω 2 to third order in the perturbation. There are negative resistance regions near V\pm (as well as near V_{2}= h\omega_{2}/2e ). Near V, the negative resistance region appears for bias voltage V just above V_{-} , while near V the region appears for V just below V_{+} . This means that when an incident frequency mixes with a cavity mode the mixing step at V_{-} will be inverted compared to the cavity step itself.
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