Badania modeli aeroelastycznych przewodów linii wysokiego napięcia dla różnych przypadków ich ośnieżenia i oblodzenia

Autor: Flaga, Andrzej, Łukasz Flaga, Krajewski, Piotr, Pistol, Aleksander
Rok vydání: 2018
DOI: 10.24358/bud-arch_18_174_13
Popis: In the first part of this paper, similarity criteria were elaborated for investiga-tions of aeroelastic sectional models of high voltage line wires. These criteria consider wire vibrations caused by aeroelastic phenomena: vortex excitation, wake galloping and interfer-ence between the wires causing vibration in aerodynamic trace of other wires. Second part of the paper describes the tests conducted in Wind Engineering Laboratory of Cracow Univer-sity of Technology. The subject of this set of tests was identifi cation of aeroelastic vibrations caused by aeroelastic interference of wires, mainly determination of critical velocity of wires galloping and wake galloping for selected cases of snow and ice covers on the wires.
Databáze: OpenAIRE