Electrochemical Growth and OER Catalytic Activityof Ultrathin Epitaxial Cobalt Oxide Films

Autor: J. Stettner, Philippe Allongue, Tim Wiegmann, Olaf M. Magnussen, Ivan Pacheco, Fouad Maroun, Canrong Qiu, Mathilde Bouvier, Finn Reikowski
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: ECS Meeting Abstracts. :1187-1187
ISSN: 2151-2043
Popis: Iron-group oxides are among the best earth abundant catalysts for the oxygen evolution reaction (OER) in alkaline and neutral electrolytes [1],[2]. Such oxides have been prepared with an amorphous or a crystalline structure, using thermal salt decomposition [3], autoclave synthesis [4], photochemical reactions [5], sol-gel synthesis [6], metal electrodeposition and subsequent oxidation, [7] and direct oxide electrodeposition [1], [8]. This work focuses on well-defined epitaxial CoOx [9] electrocatalysts grown by direct electrodeposition on Au(111) according to an approach similar to that introduced by Switzer [8]. The growth modes of catalysts and the mechanisms of deposition will be discussed based on electrochemical characterizations, XRD characterizations and microscopic observations. In particular to explain that CoOOH may be obtained at a potential of +1V/RHE by oxidation of a Co(II) complex diluted in an alkaline solution while thermodynamics predicts that Co3O4 should be formed. The electrochemical properties in pre-OER and within OER will be discussed as a function of the surface structure and morphology of layers. In particular to show that the large pseudocapacitance measured at the electrode is not related to its ECSA but to electrical charging within the bulk of the electrode. [1] M. W. Kanan and D. G. Nocera, Science 321, 1072 (2008). [2] C. C. L. McCrory, S. Jung, I. M. Ferrer et al., Journal of the American Chemical Society 137, 4347 (2015). [3] C. Pirovano and S. Trasatti, Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry and Interfacial Electrochemistry 180, 171 (1984). [4] D. Yuming, H. Kun, Y. Lin et al., Nanotechnology 18, 435602 (2007). [5] S. R. Alvarado, Y. Guo, T. P. A. Ruberu et al., The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 116, 10382 (2012). [6] A. Bergmann, E. Martinez-Moreno, D. Teschner et al., Nature Communications 6, 8625 (2015). [7] M. W. Louie and A. T. Bell, Journal of the American Chemical Society 135, 12329 (2013). [8] J. A. Koza, Z. He, A. S. Miller et al., Chem. Mat. 24, 3567 (2012). [9] F. Reikowski, F. Maroun, I. Pacheco et al., ACS Catalysis 9, 3811 (2019).
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