Conexão Ensino e Aprendizagem

Autor: Ana Rochelly Silva Costa Cavalcante, Byanca Nicolle Cezar Carneiro Xavier, Claudia Maria Diogo Carneiro Aguiar, Clayton Pinheiro do Ó, Cleiciane de Sousa Freire, Cleide Carneiro, Cosma Catunda Borges, Danilo Alves Veras Ferreira, Ediney Linhares da Silva, Elizabeth Carvalho de Oliveira, Erasmo Miessa Ruiz, Francisco Renato Sousa Silva, Gardênia Barroso Lima, Joarsem Bacar Embaló, José Carlos Té, Juliano Schimiguel, Julyanne Lages de Carvalho Castro, Larissa da Silva Miranda, Lívia Barbosa Pacheco Souza, Karla Carolline Barbosa Dote, Marcizo Veimar Cordeiro Viana Filho, Maria Aniele da Silva, Maria das Graças Thalia Justino Lima, María Ivanira Santos de Oliveira, Maria Marcyara Silva Souza, Maria Vitoria Silva Cardoso, Marta Célia Chaves Cavalcante, Meiricele Calíope Leitinho, Milton Jarbas Rodrigues Chagas, Mozart Pereira da Silva Neto, Paola Mazzaro, Raul Nixon Costa Saraiva, Ricardo Cesar de Oliveira Borges, Rosimeire Alves Magalhães, Taffarel Deibson Lopes Silveira
Rok vydání: 2023
DOI: 10.58285/l68465198
Popis: Moran (2006, p.11) assesses, “many ways of teaching today are no longer justified. We waste too much time, we learn too little, we continually become demotivated. Both teachers and students have the clear feeling that many conventional classes are outdated”. Analyzing Moran's statement (2006) and looking at the educational routine, many things need to be changed, especially teaching methods, as they use a lot of time to teach, however, the student obtains a very low absorption of learning, especially when the teacher uses only conventional methods to transmit knowledge (the teacher covers information only from his area of training; the relationship between teacher and student is hierarchical, in which the teacher admits to having a prominent position, while the students are passive and end up being unmotivated in learn).
Databáze: OpenAIRE