The development of three SNP assays for forensic casework

Autor: Burkhard Madea, T. Senge, Anke Junge
Rok vydání: 2006
Zdroj: International Congress Series. 1288:46-48
ISSN: 0531-5131
DOI: 10.1016/j.ics.2005.09.019
Popis: The present work introduces three novel validated SNP assays and describe their applicability in forensic casework. For this study three unlinked and non-coding SNPs named TSC0582423 (Chromosome 2), TSC0171847 (Chromosome 1) and TSC0741184 (Chromosome 3) with a balanced allele distribution were selected from the database of the SNP consortium. SNP detection was based on the 5′ nuclease system from Applied Biosystems. Before the use of this SNP-detection system in the laboratory routine, validation studies must be performed including determination of SNP genotypes by sequencing, sensitivity/reproducibility studies and population studies. Tests with artificial stains and with degraded DNA samples were also performed.
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