Festschrift en honor a Emilio Ribes

Autor: Victor Manuel Alcaraz, Emilio Ribes-Iñesta, Alejandro León Maldonado, Varsovia Hernández Eslava, Hugo Baltazar Palacios Pérez, Jairo Tamayo Tamayo, Carlos Torres Ceja, Mario Serrano, Lizbeth Pulido Ávalos, Nora E. Rangel, Eduardo Sánchez-Gatell, Carlos Ibáñez Bernal, Agustín Daniel Gómez Fuentes, María Antonia Padilla Vargas, Francisco López, Ramón Bayés, Marino Pérez Álvarez, Rafael Moreno, Linda J. Parrot Hayes, Mitch J. Fryling, Josep Roca i Balasch, Sara Eugenia Cruz-Morales
Rok vydání: 2020
Popis: Tribute to a figure of Mexican psychology, Emilio Ribes Inesta, whose work has been very important for developing a theory aimed at removing the speculations of the explanations given to the determinants of behavior. In addition, he has promoted in Mexico the modernization of the psychology undergraduate program, to ensure a training free of unfounded speculation. Developments to his theory and the influence exerted by his work are shown by Mexican, Latin American, Spanish and American researchers, who have embraced his theoretical approaches and instrumental innovations, or who have only picked some elements of his theory. Likewise, different contributions to psychological science from the fields of neurophysiology and psychopharmacology are presented . This homage represents an update of conceptualizations, experimental techniques, and useful findings not only to a greater understanding of the determinants of behavior, but also for its use aimed at solving problems in the fields of education, health, and social interactions .
Databáze: OpenAIRE