Performance of a novel VUV bending magnet beamline

Autor: Y. F. Song, Liang Ren Huang, C.T. Chen, T.-F. Hsieh, D.-J. Wang, K.-L. Tsang, G.Y. Hsiung, C.-I Ma, N.-F. Cheng, S.-C. Chung
Rok vydání: 2001
Zdroj: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment. :569-572
ISSN: 0168-9002
DOI: 10.1016/s0168-9002(01)00414-4
Popis: A novel high resolution, high flux bending magnet beamline with an energy range from 5to 40eV has beenconstructed at SRRC. This Dragon-like beamline, which horizontally collects 50mrad of synchrotron radiationfrom a bending magnet source, uses four cylindrical gratings with an included angle of 1408 and a movablecurved exit slit. The average photon flux with an energy resolving power of 1000 is about 2 1210 photons/s,which is among the highest of all existing VUV bending magnet beamlines. An energy resolving power of24000 at 6.8eV has been obtained from the Schumann–Runge bands (B 3 P u 3XP g ) absorption spectra ofO 2 gas. A photon flux of 3 10 9 photons/s is measured at the energy resolving power of 24000. This high fluxbending magnet beamline offers excellent opportunities for VUV experiments with a wide range spectrum. # 2001ElsevierScienceB.V.Allrightsreserved. PACS: 33.80. b;39.30.+w;42.79.Dj;51.50.+vKeywords: Beamline;Highflux;Highresolution 1.IntroductionAhighfluxandhighresolutionbendingmagnetbeamlinewithanenergyrangefrom5to40eVhasbeenconstructedatSRRC[1]fortheexperimentsofdilutesystems,oflowsignal-to-noiseratio,andexperimentswhichrequirelowenergyphotonsandverygoodenergyresolution.Theopticallayoutofthis beamline is shown in Fig.1. This beamlinecollects 50mrad of horizontal radiation from abending magnet source. Similar to the Dragon-type beamline, a 6m-CGM is arranged betweenpre-andpost-focusingmirrors.Wehaveadoptedseveralspecialfeaturesincludingamodifiedplane-elliptical horizontal pre-focusing mirror (HFM),one movable entrance slit, and one curvedmovableexitslittooptimizethebeamlineperfor-mance.Fourcylindricalgratingswithanincludedangle of 1408 are used to cover the entire energyrange interested. Two horizontal refocusing mir-rors(HRFM1andHRFM2)areusedtodeliverthe photon beam to two separate experimentalstationsthroughthehigh-andlow-energybranch,respectively. The beamline is expected to deliverphoton fluxes of 1 10
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