Spirituality / religiosity of Elderly Front to Health Care: Scope of Review

Autor: Haydêe Cassé da Silva, Maria Adelaide Silva Paredes Moreira, Olívia Galvão Lucena Ferreira, Fábio de Souza Terra, Carmem Silvia Laureano Dalle Piagge, Antonia Leda Oliveira Silva
Rok vydání: 2021
Popis: Identify the published evidence on spirituality/religiosity of elderly people facing health care.It is a scope review, based on the recommendations of the JBI Manual for EvidenceSynthesisand Prisma-ScR. Searches were performed by two reviewers in the PubMed,LILACS, Science Direct and BDTD databases by the association of descriptors, includingstudies according to the inclusion criteria. A total of 3,129 publications were identified,selecting 13 studies that highlighted spirituality/religiousness as a way to manage health care.Evidence revealed that religious practices, faith and beliefs feed spirituality with positivefeelings, providing an understanding of the health-disease process for managing choices, selfcareand coping with pathologies. This study contributes to the professionals' reflection,expanding the perspective of care in the spiritual dimension, as well as stimulating furtherfuture research.
Databáze: OpenAIRE