An Augmented q-Factor Model with Expected Growth*

Autor: Haitao Mo, Kewei Hou, Lu Zhang, Chen Xue
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Review of Finance. 25:1-41
ISSN: 1573-692X
Popis: In the investment theory, firms with high expected investment growth earn higher expected returns than firms with low expected investment growth, holding investment and expected profitability constant. Building on cross-sectional growth forecasts with Tobin’s q, operating cash flows, and change in return on equity as predictors, an expected growth factor earns an average premium of 0.84% per month (t = 10.27) in the 1967–2018 sample. The q5 model, which augments the Hou–Xue–Zhang (2015, Rev. Finan. Stud., 28, 650–705) q-factor model with the expected growth factor, shows strong explanatory power in the cross-section and outperforms the Fama–French (2018, J. Finan. Econom., 128, 234–252) six-factor model.
Databáze: OpenAIRE