Small angle static light scattering: absolute intensity measurements

Autor: M. Delsanti, A. Thill, S. Désert
Rok vydání: 2002
Zdroj: The European Physical Journal Applied Physics. 17:201-208
ISSN: 1286-0050
Popis: We describe a home made small angle light scattering apparatus. The detection is based on a high sensitivity 16 bits CCD camera placed in the focal plane of a lens. The apparatus is calibrated in such a way that it allows measurements of the scattered intensity in absolute values as a function of the scattering vector. Carefully characterized latex particle suspensions (determined size distribution and particle density number) are used to test the validity of calibrations. Particle scattering patterns in absolute units show good agreement with computed intensities using Mie theory. The apparatus performances are finally discussed.
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