Using microlabs to teach modern distributed computing

Autor: John J. Helfert, Barry L. Kurtz, Michael Sage, Rahman Tashakkori
Rok vydání: 2010
Popis: Closed labs have become a common feature in computer science education because they provide hands-on experience in a supervised setting. Microlabs extend this approach into the lecture format with very short hands-on activities in the "middle of" the lecture. This approach was developed for a modern distributed computing course that integrated all levels of parallelism (multicore, cluster, and grid) into a single course and required a substantial course project that used all these levels. After presenting the current status of our activities, we will discuss future directions that include stand-alone distributed computing modules and a distributed computing repository. This work is supported, in part, by a National Science Foundation grant.
Databáze: OpenAIRE