The fine structure constant alpha: relevant for a model of a self-propelling photon and for particle masses

Autor: Karl Otto Greulich
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: The Nature of Light: What are Photons? VI.
ISSN: 0277-786X
Popis: A model for a self propelling (i.e. massless) photon 1 is based on oscillations of a pair of charges amounting to elementary charge divided by SQRT alpha, where alpha is the fine structure (Sommerfeld) constant. When one assumes a similar model for particles that do have rest mas (i.e. which are non- self propelling), alpha plays also a role in the rest masses of elementary particles. Indeed all fundamental elementary particle masses can be described by the alpha / beta rule 2 → m(particle) = alpha -n * beta m * 27.2 eV /c 2 where beta is the proton to electron mass ratio 183612 and n= 0….14, m= -1,0 or Thus, photons and particle masses are intimately related to the fine structure constant. If the latter would not have been strictly constant throughout all times, this would have had consequences for the nature of light and for all masses including those of elementary particles.
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