The PTSNtr system globally regulates ATP-dependent transporters in Rhizobium leguminosarum

Autor: Geraldine Mulley, Alan G. Williams, Ramakrishnan Karunakaran, Jürgen Prell, Philip S. Poole, J. A. Downie, J. P. White, F. Haufe
Rok vydání: 2012
Zdroj: Biological Nitrogen Fixation
ISSN: 0950-382X
DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2958.2012.08014.x
Popis: Ntr system in Rhizobium leguminosarum strain Rlv3841 caused a pleiotropic phenotype as observed with many bacte- ria. The mutant formed dry colonies and grew poorly on organic nitrogen or dicarboxylates. Most strikingly the ptsP mutant had low activity of a broad range of ATP-dependent ABC transporters. This lack of activa- tion, which occurred post-translationally, may explain many of the pleiotropic effects. In contrast proton- coupledtransportsystemswerenotinhibitedinaptsP mutant.RegulationbyPtsPalsoinvolvestwocopiesof ptsN that code for EIIA Ntr , resulting in a phosphoryla- tioncascade.AsinEscherichiacoli,theRlv3841PTS Ntr
Databáze: OpenAIRE