External Coercion of a Russian Science to Isolation: Threat and Possible Response

Autor: Evgeny Semenov
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Science Management: Theory and Practice. 4:91-98
ISSN: 2686-827X
Popis: The article examines the attempt made by a coalition of Western countries in 2022 to isolate Russian science from global science, as well as Russia’s possible responses to this forced isolation. Under these conditions, domestic science and the state must break through the ring of isolation, defend their positions in an international science and by all means seek access to world’s scientific and technological achievements. And it is clear that Russia needs not a set of fragmentary measures, but a systemic response to new threats, which implies a significant revision of the state science and technology policy. The scientific and technological complex of Russia needs to be mobilized as soon as possible to solve the real problems of the country’s modernization. Only one’s own ability to conduct research and development provides a high level of technological self-sufficiency. Therefore, the protection and preservation of scientific potential, its maximum use for the technological modernization of the economy and other important areas of life (such as defense or healthcare) are now a strategic priority for Russia.
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