Industry 4.0 and the Future of Reservoir Exploration and Characterization

Autor: Blanes de Oliveira La
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Trends in Petroleum Engineering. 1
Popis: The oil and gas sector seeks to adapt to changes in industry 4.0. Advances in computational processing and artificial intelligence have allowed machines to perform increasingly complex activities. However, the application of these advances to the activities of the oil industry still involves much speculation. While some areas show clear gains with the implementation of machine learning, the exploration and characterization of reservoirs still represent a challenge concerning this topic. As the primary information acquired in reservoirs, such as rock and fluid samples, well logs, and seismic data, presents a wide range of scales, the real gain from machine learning techniques would likely be integrating different databases in different scales. Such integration would improve geological and production models. The spread of information in these databases would also have the potential to decrease exploratory success. The joint efforts of oil and gas companies and research and education institutions will be essential to increase the oil and gas industry.
Databáze: OpenAIRE