Autor: George E. Pfahler, Jacob H. Vastine
Rok vydání: 1938
Zdroj: Journal of the American Medical Association. 110:543
ISSN: 0002-9955
Popis: Russell H. Boggs was especially interested in preoperative and postoperative irradiation of carcinoma of the breast. The value of irradiation in the treatment of this condition can be incontrovertibly demonstrated by the results obtained with recurrent carcinoma, in which there can be no question as to the diagnosis or as to the ultimate outcome if the patient is untreated. We have treated 491 patients with postoperative recurrence. Of those who had local recurrence, 39.7 per cent were well five years. Of those who had axillary or supraclavicular recurrence, 23.3 per cent were well five years. Of those with distant metastases, 5.1 per cent were symptom free in five years, and 18.5 per cent of all the patients with recurrence and metastasis, regardless of location, were alive and symptom free five years after first coming under our care. The operative results have not been appreciably improved in the past forty years
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