Geobacillus and Anoxybacillus spp. from Terrestrial Geothermal Springs Worldwide: Diversity and Biotechnological Applications

Autor: Nils-Kåre Birkeland, Pargev Hovhannisyan, Armen Trchounian, Grigor Shahinyan, Hovik Panosyan, Armine Margaryan
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Extremophiles in Eurasian Ecosystems: Ecology, Diversity, and Applications ISBN: 9789811303289
Popis: A large number of thermophilic representatives of the Geobacillus and Anoxybacillus genera have been isolated from geographically distant and physicochemically different environments, including high-, moderate-, and low-temperature habitats. However, terrestrial hot springs are the main habitats for Geobacillus and Anoxybacillus species. The members of these genera possess a variety of thermo-adaptive features that enable them to thrive at elevated temperatures. Due to their ability to withstand harsh environmental conditions, geobacilli and anoxybacilli are a valuable source for provision of thermostable enzymes, such as amylases, lipases, proteases, etc., and other components. Thermostable enzymes obtained from thermophilic bacilli have found a plethora of commercial applications due to their sturdiness and toughness in withstanding the heat generated in various biotechnological and industrial processes. This chapter contains a review of studies of geobacilli and anoxybacilli from terrestrial geothermal springs worldwide with special emphasis on their distribution and diversity, ecological significance, adaptive mechanisms, enzymes, and biotechnological potential.
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