GPU-Accelerated RDP Algorithm for Data Segmentation

Autor: Pau Cebrian, Juan Carlos Moure
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Lecture Notes in Computer Science ISBN: 9783030503703
ICCS (1)
Popis: The Ramer-Douglas-Peucker (RDP) algorithm applies a recursive split-and-merge strategy, which can generate fast, compact and precise data compression for time-critical systems. The use of GPU parallelism accelerates the execution of RDP, but the recursive behavior and the dynamic size of the generated sub-tasks, requires adapting the algorithm to use the GPU resources efficiently. While previous research approaches propose the exploitation of task-based parallelism, our research advocates a general fine-grained solution, which avoids the dynamic and recursive execution of kernels. The segmentation of depth images, a typical application used on autonomous driving, reaches speeds of almost 1000 frames per second for typical workloads using our massively parallel proposal on low-consumption, embedded GPUs. The GPU-accelerated solution is at least an order of magnitude faster than the execution of the same program on multiple CPU cores with similar energy consumption.
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