Conformations Privilégiées de Dérivés des Bithiophenes: Étude par Spectroscopie d'Absorption Électronique

Autor: P. Meunier, M. Coustale, J. Arriau
Rok vydání: 2010
Zdroj: Bulletin des Sociétés Chimiques Belges. 87:27-39
ISSN: 0037-9646
DOI: 10.1002/bscb.19780870105
Popis: An experimental and theoretical study of the UV absorption spectra of bithiophens indicates that non planar conformations are predominant in vapour phase and non polar solutions. The existence of steric strain within dibramobithiophens induces an increase of the twist angle. An evaluation of this angle is carried out for each compound.
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