Pathophysiology of severe capillary leak

Autor: Anatole Harrois, Jacques Duranteau
Rok vydání: 2016
Popis: Severe capillary leak plays an important role in the pathogenesis of several inflammatory syndromes, including sepsis, acute lung injury, and shock syndromes. Microvascular leak is caused by an increase in endothelial permeability. This is due to a range of inflammatory mediators that destabilize endothelial junctions, thereby causing tissue oedema with potential harmful effects on tissue oxygenation and organ function. Tissue oedema can impair tissue oxygenation by increasing the distance required for the diffusion of oxygen to cells, and by decreasing microvascular perfusion due to an increase in interstitial pressure. Better understanding of the pathogenesis of microvascular permeability may lead to new therapies targeting the microvascular barrier in sepsis and the acute respiratory distress syndrome.
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