Psychiatrische Komorbidität in Risikogruppen für Opiatabhängigkeit: eine Untersuchung an opiatabhängigen und nichtopiatabhängigen BtmG-Inhaftierten

Autor: Petra Franke, D. Neef, O. Weiffenbach, W. Maier, M. Gänsicke, Martin Hautzinger
Rok vydání: 2003
Zdroj: Fortschritte der Neurologie · Psychiatrie. 71:37-44
ISSN: 1439-3522
DOI: 10.1055/s-2003-36682
Popis: Individuals who do not develop opioid dependence although they have access to opioids might differ with regard to psychiatric risk factors from opioid-exposed subjects who developed opioid dependence. To test this assumption, the present investigation compared individuals who were in jail due to the German "Dangerous Drugs Act" (i. e. particular risk group due to facilitated opioid availability) according to presence or absence of opioid dependence and psychiatric comorbidity in each group. This study design is in line with the assumption that in addition to the (postulated) environmental risk factor of facilitated availability of opioids, psychiatric risk factors enhance the likelihood for the development of opioid dependence. Opioid addicts represent a risk group, not only for other forms of substance dependence, but also psychiatric disorders like anxiety disorders, suicide attempts and specific forms of personality disorders. However the difference between opioid dependent subjects and non-opioid dependent controls was less marked than initially postulated. Alcoholism of non-opioid dependent prisoners also was associated with depressive episodes, anxiety disorders as well as cocaine dependence. Despite the high frequency of life-time psychiatric comorbidity in the opioid dependent sample, this increased comorbidity was not paralleled by psychiatric treatment. In general, the sample of prisoners investigated here, was characterized by a high frequency of psychiatric disorders including substance dependence.
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