ADSL/HDSL technologies and applications in VOD and multi media services

Autor: Jeong Ho Kim, Choon Sik Yim
Rok vydání: 1995
Zdroj: International Broadcasting Conference IBC '95.
DOI: 10.1049/cp:19950974
Popis: The local loop includes mainly copper twisted pairs, which connect each home and office and provide 64 kbps data rate. As the demand of individuals grows, more communication volume is required to be transmitted over the local loop. New applications (video conference, data transmission, video on demand, multimedia applications, teleshopping, edutament), which demand high data-rates are becoming a reality. The HDSL and the ADSL technologies are able to solve this problem and enable the provisioning of new applications and services over the existing copper infrastructure. This will offer a rapid deployment of these services to many people around the world, now connected to the telecommunication network by means of simple twisted pairs. The paper summarizes the main characteristics of the network architecture of multi media services, HDSL (high bit rate digital subscriber line)/ADSL (asymmetric digital subscriber line) technology in services and interactive video service architecture.
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