Understanding PV Module Performance: Further Validation of the Novel Loss Factors Model and Its Extension to AC Arrays

Autor: Sellner, S., Sutterlueti, J., Ransome, S., Schreier, L., Allet, N.
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2012
DOI: 10.4229/27theupvsec2012-4eo.3.5
Popis: 27th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition; 3199-3204
The Loss Factors Model (LFM) has been introduced as a tool to better understand PV module performance under outdoor conditions. It is based on outdoor IV curves compared with its reference values to find six independent and normalized coefficients which when multiplied result in the DC Performance Factor. The Loss Factors Model thus allows us to easily monitor any changes in module efficiency and determines which IV parameters is responsible for changes. In this paper we show how the model can be used to extract outdoor temperature coefficients, low irradiance behavior and how seasonal variations can be distinguished from effects such as degradation or soiling. We compare different PV technologies such as Thin Film or crystalline Silicon at different climatic conditions and show how the Loss Factors Model can be used as a basis for quick benchmarking and prediction of PV performance. The DC-only Loss Factors Model then has been extended to model AC systems. Two a-Si power plants, with similar PV Modules (a-Si) and different inverter topologies (transformer, transformerless) have been modeled based at one year of data from a single a-Si module, seasonal annealing has been added and the model predicts well the power plant performance when it is working optimally and shows underperformance due to broken modules or snow cover. The setup also shows no impact on long term degradation as expected due to transformerless inverters.
Databáze: OpenAIRE