An integrated approach for industrial robot control and programming combining haptic and non-haptic gestures

Autor: Johannes Hügle, Jörg Krüger, Jens Lambrecht
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: RO-MAN
DOI: 10.1109/roman.2017.8172402
Popis: We present a hybrid programming method for industrial robots combining advantages of manual haptic guidance of the end-effector and programming approaches using non-haptic pointing gestures for the spatial definition of poses and trajectories. Whereas the bare-hand spatial interaction can be implemented and performed cost- and time-efficiently but lacks accuracy, haptic-interaction is more time-consuming but it is used in a reduced manner in order to enable a highly-accurate refinement of target working poses. Additionally, the user is supported by a mobile Augmented Reality simulation providing spatial validation of the robot program, program management and transmission towards the robot controller. The implementation is realized by a compliance control based on a sensor mounted between flange and end-effector combined with our former introduced approach for spatial programming. We conducted a user study comparing Teach-In and Offline programming. The analysis shows a significant reduction of programming duration as well as a reduction of programming errors compared with Teach-In. Most participants favor the hybrid programming system. No significant differences for the programming duration could be determined between experts and non-experts. In comparison between haptic and non-haptic interaction, non-experts favor non-haptic interaction due to the higher intuitiveness of pointing gestures compared to direct physical interaction.
Databáze: OpenAIRE