Production of Phage in the Absence of Bacterial Cells

Autor: A. P. Krueger, D. M. Baldwin
Rok vydání: 1937
Zdroj: Experimental Biology and Medicine. 37:393-395
ISSN: 1535-3699
DOI: 10.3181/00379727-37-9584p
Popis: In recent publications12 it was shown: (a) that during one phase of the reaction between phage and bacteria in the presence of 0.25M NaCl phage is formed without concomitant bacterial growth; (b) that when pH and temperature are properly adjusted the bacterial substrate can be maintained in the resting state while [phage] rises logarithmically with time at the rate of a ten-fold increase per hour.The obvious inference of these experiments is that bacterial growth, long held to be the prime conditioning factor for phage-formation, is actually not essential at all. Instead it would appear quite possible that resting cells may produce some sort of phage-precursor which in the presence of phage is promptly converted into more phage. This hypothesis is supported to a considerable extent by our observations during the past 3 years on the increase in phage-titer that occurs when cell-free ultrafiltrates of bacterial suspensions are added to known quantities of phage. Young cultures of susceptible organisms are w...
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