Psychogene Aphonie – erfolgreiche multiprofessionelle Behandlung eines 13-jährigen Mädchens – ein Kurzbeitrag aus der Praxis

Autor: Frank Häßler, Monika Schröder, Anja Loerzer
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Praxis der Kinderpsychologie und Kinderpsychiatrie. 69:82-87
ISSN: 2196-8225
DOI: 10.13109/prkk.2020.69.1.82
Popis: Psychogenic Aphonia - Succesfull Multiprofessional Treatment of a 13-Year-Old Girl - A Case Report Psychogenic aphonia is a rather rare disorder with a point prevalence of 0.4 %. It appears more frequently in females than in males. There are only few reports in the scientific literature about children affected by psychogenic aphonia. The diagnostical and therapeutical approach must be multimodal. The case reported here describes a 13 year-old girl with a psychogenic aphonia, the course of her illness und the efforts of treatment until full recovery of voice and speech.
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