Substantially Improving the cure rate of high-risk BRCA1-like breast cancer patients with personalized therapy (SUBITO). An international randomized phase III trial

Autor: A Jager, M Jongen-Lavrencic, JP Lotz, A Gonçalves, M Graeser, U Nitz, IAM Mandjes, MJ Holtkamp, M Schot, VP Retel, EJ Kuip, ANM Wymenga, IR Konings, VCG Tjan-Heijnen, JR Kroep, CP Schrӧder, E Van Der Wall, Sc Linn, S Vliek
Rok vydání: 2017
DOI: 10.13140/rg.2.2.28059.77602
Databáze: OpenAIRE